On many, you’ll find the serial numbers between the lugs on the side of the case at the 6 o’clock side, behind the bracelet. This means that in order to identify your serial numbers, you need to remove your bracelet from the case.
Here, you’ll find a 4-8 digit number which has been engraved by Rolex on every watch. The numbers can be used to determine the production date of the watch. From 2005 and onwards, however, Rolex also started to engrave the serial number of the watch on the inside rehaut of the watch, behind the crystal, and in front of the dial. From 2008 and onwards, Rolex began to only engrave the numbers on the rehaut, and from 2010, this covers all models. A new serial number system in 2010 In 2010, Rolex introduced a new serial number system for its watches. This means that Rolex stopped following any sequential numbering system or order altogether, and now, Rolex engraves its watches with a randomized, and unique identifying letter and number.
Before this, it was quite easy to estimate the age of a watch, as well as a year of production with the help of Rolex serial number databases. However, with the new randomized serial number system, you can no longer do this since the serial numbers are random and mixed. To identify the year of watches made before 2010, you need a list of Rolex serial numbers, and with the help of such, you can easily identify your own timepiece’s age. The serial numbers of the watch are inscribed by machine, and by identifying the date of the watch makes it easier to determine the watch’s value. If you want to check the serial and model of a watch made after 2010, the best idea is to go to an authorized dealer for help with identifying the model, serial number, and other information.