• Neighborhood Flair Tag - Hit the 'edit' link by your username higher up in the sidebar ⬆️️ to pick a neighborhood. FILTER: Posting Guidelines Please visit the for all rules & guidelines. • Harassing other users will not be tolerated and may result in a ban. • Racist or homophobic remarks will not be tolerated and will result in a ban.
This includes: • tracking people down by photo, license plate or any other personal identification • posts about lost relatives or friends (with the exception of linking to credible news articles/police numbers/reports) • posting personal information about a user • Editorialized titles will be removed. • is for news about the City and County of Los Angeles. Broader California news should be posted to. • If you post something that was clearly outlined in the, you're gonna have a bad time. Meet-Ups Posting about a meet-up?
Start your post with [Meet-up] and it will have a little icon before it! • Check out site • For meet-ups of a different kind - or Social Networking Like roaches, LA redditors are everywhere. Resources • (made by ) • •. I put $5 of stored value on the card and apparently it's there, but when I try to ride the Big Blue Bus it yells at me that there's no money on the card. [edit]I love that their support form can't even give you a drop-down list of card numbers to choose from. You have to navigate over to your account page, copy the card number, and then navigate back to the help form to paste it in. [edit 2]AAAAAAND this help form is either not submitting or not giving me any indication that it's submitted.