
Watch Avatar Airbender

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Aang awakens to find himself aboard a captured Fire Nation ship with a full head of hair and with serious injuries from the battle in Ba Sing Se. At his side are Toph, Katara, Sokka, and their father Hakoda who recount the events that led the four to the ship and together they contemplate their next move. Aang struggles with the fact that the world thinks he is dead and his own desire to face the Fire Lord before he is ready. Meanwhile, the once exiled Prince Zuko deals with his own issues as he makes his long-awaited journey back to the Fire Nation, and wonders what is now in store for him. With the plans to invade the Fire Nation finally underway, everyone begins their own respective missions.

Watch Avatar AirbenderAirbender

Watch Avatar Airbender Free Online

The last known survivor of the peaceful Air Nomads and the Airbenders, Aang is The Avatar, Bender of all elements. Aided by a Waterbender named Katara and her brother Sokka, Aang begins a perilous journey to restore balance to their war-torn world.

Aang receives guidance from Guru Pathik at the Eastern Air Temple, Sokka is reunited with his father, Katara begins to help the Council of Five plan the invasion, and Zuko and Iroh begin to settle into the new lives of owning a tea shop. However, things are not what they seem. Toph has been captured and is being brought back to her parents, and Azula has infiltrated the city and is planning on finally conquering Ba Sing Se for the Fire Nation.