
Pes 16 Setup

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  1. Pes 17 Setup

Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 is the newest simulator developed by Konami. PES 2016 Download on our site. Open setup.exe. Go through the installation process. Everything is simple and transparent. Please can a windows 7 system with 32 bit opeerating system play pes 16? Idris aliyu / July 16, 2016. Edwin / July 22.

Let's take a look at a brief overview of PES 2016 settings and other possibilities of setting up your in-game controls in quick game manual. We will introduce settings.exe information, game plan options and other important stuff which will help you to control soccer much better. Chaning game preferences If you are a PC player, the game preferences are stored in settings.exe file, which is located on your hard drive, game folder where is game installed. Most of the time, it's C://Program Files (x86)//Konami/Pro Evolution Soccer 2016/ or if you have installed stuff from Stream, then it's C://Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common/.

Everytime you need to find install folder. There are many options like sound settings, you can set up graphics levels which will influence, display resolution, vertical synchronization and the most important one, controller and keyboard controls options. Basic menu controls In order to move in game menu, use default buttons on your controller as usual.

(B) for getting back and (A) for confirm. For movement, use D-pad or left stick. The reversed play button (keyboard: (B)) will show you in-game help, strongly recommended. If you have a keyboard, please see screenshot.

All important players data are stored in personal data. Most of the time, it's being saved automatically during game progress. To backup personal data, you can find it in C://Users/_user_/Documents or use export. PES 2016 controls • R - special button for controlling players movement • L - controlling player movement • LT - special button, tricks. • LB - switching player • RT - player control ball more accurately • RB - sprint • B - controlling replay sequence • -> V - escaping replay or going back in game • B - long centered pass • A - pass • X - shot • Y - passing player to run. • Low cross - B 2x • Pressure - when defending press A, chasing attacker RB + A. During pressure, defender automatically tries to block shoots.

Game plan The team stats, positions, substites and tactics are in game play which you can acceess during match pause in menu or before starting match. By selecting a player, his capabilities are shown in bottom of the screen. There's an overral rating, positions and a special hexagon showing parts of skills where's is the player strongest. Bigger hexagon - better player.


Pes 17 Setup

This will help you to set piece better to aim on players skills. Substitutes are on the right side of plan. Pressing (LT) or (RT) for movement in bottom sub-menu. Special icon like yellow card, red card or white cross meaning injury or white dash - unavailable.